Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Gears of War 3 Official Trailer release and some more

They're adding 4 player co-op this time into the story mode, and the game will take place 18 months after the events of Gears of War 2. If you've played the first two games, and are wondering where the hell did the Locust Horde vanish to? April 2011 will be the month for those questions to be answered. Keep on reading for more details and a video treat.
Apart from the whopperage 4 player co-op, Cliff Bleszinksi has confirmed that the third game will sport a somewhat intertwining storyline, filled with lots, and lots of guns.

"One of the other things we're doing in the campaign that's cool is switching up the story a little bit," he said.

"At some point in the campaign you're not going to be Marcus and Dom - you're going to be another squad and you're going to experience their section and then eventually you're going to see some overlap and eventually they'll merge Pulp Fiction style, which is one of the cool ways that we're playing with the story this time.

"I can confirm today that we are doing 4-player co-op in the story mode," he added. "In Gears it's not the same as in other games because you're getting a story-based mode and in Gears 1 and 2 player one is Marcus and player two is Dom.

"The only way to play as Dom in the campaign is to be player two. That cascades down to players three and four; so if you want to play as Cole or Baird in the campaign, the only way you can do that is by playing three or four-player co-op."

Describing the new set of armory Gears of War 3 will be receiving, Cliff confirmed that the Pendulum Lancer - a precursor to the famous chainsaw version that "kicks like a mule" when fired and sports a nasty blade on the end for gruesome execution kills - of which Gears 3 will sport many more.

"We're looking at a double-barrel shotgun, we're looking at female Gears, we're looking at bringing back old maps - I can't confirm any but I can confirm that we will see some favourites returning," he said.

"We definitely want to improve players' ability to play with their friends and stick together as a party. We haven't announced how we're doing that yet but we definitely have plans for that."

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